Полный комплекс работ по эскизному и рабочему проектированию, строительству, отделке и инженерному оснащению офисных помещений заказчика.
Общая площадь:
3 800 м2
Вид работ:
Генеральный проектировщик, генеральный подрядчик
Россия, Москва, ул. Балчуг, дом 7. (БЦ «Балчуг Плаза»)
начало - 10.05.2006, окончание - 30.10.2006
Завершено 100%
We are pleased with our experience with Gint-M. All work was completed to standards and on schedule. Gint-M's management proved an able, reliable and responsible project partner, and their craftsmen and technicians demonstrated professional skill and adaptability throughout the work cycle.
We are pleased with our experience with Gint-M. All work was completed to standards and on schedule. Gint-M's management proved an able, reliable and responsible project partner, and their craftsmen and technicians demonstrated professional skill and adaptability throughout the work cycle.